Equipment and Software Requirements for E-Commerce
Categories: Hardware & Software

Equipment and Software Requirements for E-Commerce
Web Server
• It alludes to a typical PC, which gives data to different PCs on the web.
• It is either the equipment (the PC) or the product (the PC programs) that stores the computerized data (web content) and conveys it through Internet at whatever point required.
The three parts to a web server
• The Hardware
• Working framework programming
• web server programming
Site and Internet Utility Programs
Importance of Website
• A Website is an assortment of related site pages on a web server kept up with by any individual or association.
• A site is facilitated on web server, open by means of web or confidential LAN through an web address called URL (Uniform Resource Locator). All openly available sites by and large comprise the WWW (internet) Importance of Utility Programs. These are programming instruments to help clients in creating, composing and recording programs (a succession of directions to a PC)
There are 2 kinds of utility projects
1) File Management Utilities - it helps in making, replicating, printing, deleting and renaming the documents.
2) Program Development Utilities - it is helpful in constructing agent, compiler, linker, finder and so forth, Site and utility projects include:
3) Electronic Mail - sending and getting messages universally by means of web.
4) Utilize Net News - a product empowers a gathering of web clients to trade their view, thoughts, data on some normal subject of interest with all individuals having a place with the bunch.
5) Constant Chatting - It is a web program accessible to clients across the net to converse with each other, instant messages, video visit and video meeting through web.
Finger and Ping
Finger - it is the utility program used to discover some data about the clients that are on the organization. Ex: - last time a client signed on to the organization
Ping (Packet Internet Groper) - it is a program used to test the network between two PCs associated with the web. Association with the web to guarantee legitimate organization
Tracer (Route Tracing Program) - a program sends information parcels to each PC on the way between one PC to one more PC in the organization and records the time it takes to arrive at the objective PC from the beginning PC.
Telnet and FTP
Telnet - a product permits one PC client to get to records and run programs on one more PC that is associated with the web.
FTP - (FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL) it is a help utilized on web to trade documents between PC.
Ordering and Searching Utility projects it helps the web index to look through the particular site (Search for Information)
Information Analysis Program - it is programming used to get the guest data. i.e., site guest is getting to, delay the site saw, the date and season of each visit, pages saw and so on.,
Line really looking at utility program - it analyzes each page on the site and reports any URLs broken or someway erroneous. Other than checking joins, interface checker programs once in a while check spelling and other primary parts of website pages.
Far off Server Administration Program - this product permits the web overseer to oversee and screen a site from any Internet associated PC.
Web Hosting
It means to store site contents on a web server. It is a sort of administration, gave by Web. Specialist co-ops that permit people and associations to make their site available when individuals peruse by means of the www. Along these lines, web has are organizations that give space on a server claimed or rented for use by clients.
There are two decisions to have the site: -
I) On own web server stage
ii) On the foundation of another person
Kinds OF WEB HOSTING - Choice of web facilitating
• Home Server - it is a solitary machine set in a confidential home used to have one or hardly any sites from a broadband association.
• Free Web Hosting administration - it is the kind of administration given by web facilitating organizations liberated from cost with restricted administrations. The facilitating organizations offer free space on their web server with a condition that a few notices are permitted on the website pages. Afterward the business can change the bundle by paying.
• Shared Website Hosting - it alludes to facilitating of various sites at the same time on a similar web server. The web have likewise keeps up with the server and gives specialized support on it.
• Virtual Dedicated Hosting - In this kind the client or client will have a devoted web server with discrete data transfer capacity and RAM. The client will be given ID and secret key to keep up with the web server - the client can introduce or eliminate any product.
• Committed Hosting - the specialist co-op makes a web server accessible to the client furthermore, has command over it. The specialist co-op possesses server equipment and programming however leases it to the client.
• Overseen Hosting - in this kind ,the client gets his own web server yet isn't permitted full control on it.(no introduce or eliminate programming)
• Collocation Hosting - in this sort the specialist co-op rents an actual space to the client to introduce his/her server equipment. All in all, co-area permits a client to put his machine in a specialist co-op's premises to profit every one of the accessible offices. The client introduces his own product and keeps up with the server. The specialist organization is mindful just for giving a solid power supply, web association and other organizing equipment.