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Angular Multiple-Choice Questions with Answer

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Angular Multiple-Choice Questions with Answer


1) Which of the accompanying assertion is right for AngularJS?

  1. AngularJS is a HTML system
  2. AngularJS is a Java system
  3. AngularJS is a JavaScript system
  4. AngularJS is a SQL system

Answer: C


2) On which of the Architectural example AngularJS is based?

  1. Onlooker Pattern
  2. Decorator design
  3. MVC Architecture design
  4. MVVM Architectural example



3) AngularJS is ideal for?

  1. SPAs
  2. MPAs
  3. DPAs
  4. CPAs



4) Which of coming up next is the right grammar for composing AngularJS articulations?

  1. (articulation)
  2. {{expression}}
  3. {{{expression}}}
  4. [expression]



5) Do AngularJS give reusable parts?

  1. Indeed
  2. No



6) Which of the accompanying order is utilized to tie the application information to the HTML see in AngularJS?

  1. ng-application order
  2. ng-model order
  3. ng-tie order
  4. ng-init order



7) Which of the accompanying language structure is right for applying various channels in AngularJS?

  1. {{ articulation | filter1 | filter2 | ... }}
  2. {{ articulation | {filter1} | {filter2} | ... }}
  3. {{ articulation - {filter1} - {filter2} - ... }}
  4. {{ {filter1} | {filter2} | ...- expression}}

Answer: A


8) Which of the accompanying assertion is valid about the lowercase channel?

  1. The lowercase channel changes a text over completely to bring down case text.
  2. The lowercase channel is a capability that accepts text as info.
  3. Both of the abovementioned.
  4. Nothing from what was just mentioned.



9)What is the utilization of Angular Controllers in the application?

  1. Precise regulators are utilized for controlling the information.
  2. Precise regulators are utilized for showing the information.
  3. Both of the above are right.
  4. Nothing unless there are other options is right.



10) Which of the accompanying assertion is valid about $dirty banner?

  1. $grimy banner is utilized to express that worth has been changed.
  2. $messy banner is utilized to express that the structure has invalid information.
  3. Both of the abovementioned.
  4. Nothing unless there are other options.


Angular Multiple-Choice Questions with Answer