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Angular MCQ Question with Answer For Freshers

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Angular MCQ Question with Answer For Freshers


Here are 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about Angular along with their answers for freshers:


What is Angular?

a) A programming language

b) A JavaScript framework

c) A database management system

d) A server-side technology

Answer: b) A JavaScript framework


What is the latest version of Angular as of 2021?

a) Angular 2

b) Angular 5

c) Angular 7

d) Angular 12

Answer: d) Angular 12


Which component lifecycle hook is called after all the component's data-bound properties have been checked for the first time?

a) ngOnChanges

b) ngOnInit

c) ngAfterViewInit

d) ngAfterContentChecked

Answer: b) ngOnInit


Which of the following is used to handle form inputs and validation in Angular?

a) ngModel

b) ngForm

c) ngControl

d) ngValidator

Answer: b) ngForm


In Angular, what is the purpose of *ngFor directive?

a) Conditional rendering

b) Event binding

c) Property binding

d) Looping over arrays or iterables

Answer: d) Looping over arrays or iterables


What is the purpose of Angular CLI?

a) To compile Angular applications

b) To test Angular applications

c) To generate and scaffold Angular projects

d) To deploy Angular applications

Answer: c) To generate and scaffold Angular projects


Which module is used for making HTTP requests in Angular?

a) HttpClientModule

b) HttpModule

c) HttpClient

d) HttpService

Answer: a) HttpClientModule


Which of the following decorators is used to define a component in Angular?

a) @Component

b) @NgModule

c) @Injectable

d) @Directive

Answer: a) @Component


What is the purpose of a service in Angular?

a) To define UI templates

b) To handle component lifecycles

c) To communicate with servers and share data

d) To manage routing within the application

Answer: c) To communicate with servers and share data


What is the purpose of Angular Router?

a) To handle HTTP requests

b) To manage state in Angular applications

c) To provide navigation within the application

d) To handle authentication and authorization

Answer: c) To provide navigation within the application


These questions cover some basic concepts of Angular and should be helpful for freshers getting started with Angular development.

Angular MCQ Question with Answer For Freshers