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How To Wake Up At 4 Am To Study

Categories: Kids Study

How To Wake Up At 4 Am To Study


  1. Take a nap of 30–45 min. In afternoon.
  2. Try yoga and meditation for at least 20min. In your any free time.
  3. Eat healthy.
  4. Go to bed before 11:00 because your body needs 6-hour proper sleep. Which is must for your mental health.
  5. If you want to wake up at 4:00 am then you should set your alrm for 3:55 or 3:50. It helps me a lot u should also try this.
  6. Don't use phone or any device before going to sleep.
  7. Drink at least one glass water before sleeping it gives you urge to pee in early morning which force you to wake up at any cost.
  8. And lastly, pray to your God before closing your eyes that please God I want to wake up at 4:00am. Trust me it works.
  9. If you wake up early you will feel like leader which will boost your mentality and attitude.
  10. Boost your work ethics drastically.

How To Wake Up At 4 Am To Study